Disease Pressure

Disease Pressure Current weather patterns may be conducive to the outbreak of certain insect pests. Scouting and early detection are critical to effective control. Recommendations to proactively spray registered agrochemicals have been cautioned by the Department of...

Maximise winter vegetable production with Madumbi

Maximise winter vegetable production with Madumbi Madumbi’s Root Health Program includes 3 products that impact significantly on winter vegetable production AgriSil K50: Reg. No. B3756, Act No. 36 of 1947 Agrisil K50 reduces crop stress factors, abiotic and biotic,...

Madumbi’s Root Health Program on Potatoes

Soil and root health are essential for the production of healthy, nutrient dense food. The resulting plants are stronger, exhibiting increased pest and disease resistance. The Madumbi Root Health program combines increased growth promoting microbes with nutritional...

20 Sustainable root soil health programs in orchard crops

Soil and root health are essential for the production of healthy, nutrient dense food. The resulting plants are stronger, exhibiting increased pest and disease resistance. Early work in this field focussed on annual crops, this has recently been expanded into orchard...