Opinion Piece : Attie Odendaal – Eco-Bb®
EnglishAfrikaans Eco-Bb® is a well-researched entomopathogenic fungus that provides suppression of a wide range of insects including whitefly, red spider mite, Tuta absoluta, leaf miner, woolly whitefly, false codling moth, and mealybug, amongst others. The wettable...
Opinion Piece : Helgard van Rooyen – Eco-T Ezi-Flo®
EnglishAfrikaans Eco-T Ezi-Flo® is an excellent ‘all-round’ solution and I view it as a ‘safety net’ ideally suited for use at the start of the growing season. Eco-T Ezi-Flo®’s true colors are most significant in years when environmental conditions are...NEWSFLASH : Eco-bb Update

Urgency of Soil Management
EnglishAfrikaans Opinion piece: Biospecialist Gert Jordaan The seasonal planning of any farmer should start with minimising the problems in existing production practices and the starting point lies is the identification and acknowledgement of these restrictions. A...