Soil and root health are essential for the production of healthy, nutrient dense food. The resulting plants are stronger, exhibiting increased pest and disease resistance.
The Madumbi Root Health program combines increased growth promoting microbes with nutritional support to optimise root health and development, nutrient update and disease suppression. This holistic, integrated approach induces the plants inherent resistance mechanism – more commonly known as Induced Systemic Resistance (ISR).

RhizoVital ®
(Reg. no. B4201 Act 36 of 1947)
V12 Initiate ®
(Reg. No. B4797, Act 36 of 1947)
Eco-T ®   
(Reg. No. L9276, Act 36 of 1947)
A highly concentrated liquid formulation of the beneficial bacterium Bacillus amyloliquefaciens  Premium nutrition contains calcium, silica and micro-nutrients to support rapid growth during the early stages. Contains Trichoderma asperellum, registered for disease management while enhancing root development.  
Improves general root health and development Well balanced nutrition for germination and early growth phases. Controls root diseases associated with  root wilting complex (e.g. Fusarium, Sclerotinia, Pythium etc.).
Increases plant vigour and vitality through better access to nutrients and water. Improves the rate of emergence and produces a more even crop stand. Increased nutrient uptake with reduced plant stress via Induced Systemmic Resistance (ISR)
Aids mobilization and absorption of soil nutrients, notably P, Zn and Mn Improves crop vigour and sets the platform for optimum yield. Safe, residue free product with no negative effects on the environment


Application on potatoes:

  • Apply V12 Initiate at a rate of 5kg per ha, it can be applied in-furrow during planting or via irrigation directly after planting.  
  • Apply RhizoVital® at a rate of 500ml per ha during planting, in-furrow or via the irrigation system. V12 Initiate is synergistic with the Madumbi microbial root health products and can be co-applied with RhizoVital®.
  • Apply 500g Eco-T® 14 days after the V12 Initiate / RhizoVital® application.  Eco-T® can be applied via the irrigation system or conventional application equipment.  Ensure it is washed into the rootzone within 8 hours of foliar application.
  • Eco-T® follow up applications may be necessary when combating high levels of soil pathogens.  Apply 250g Eco-T® per ha during week 6 and week 10 after planting.
  • For additional root health support and increased nutrient uptake a second application of 500ml per ha RhizoVital® can be applied 4 weeks after planting.
  • Apply V12 Initiate at a rate of 5kg per ha, it can be applied in-furrow during planting or via irrigation directly after planting.  
  • Apply RhizoVital® at a rate of 500ml per ha during planting, in-furrow or via the irrigation system. V12 Initiate is synergistic with the Madumbi microbial root health products and can be co-applied with RhizoVital®.
  • Apply 500g Eco-T® 14 days after the V12 Initiate / RhizoVital® application.  Eco-T® can be applied via the irrigation system or conventional application equipment.  Ensure it is washed into the rootzone within 8 hours of foliar application.
  • Eco-T® follow up applications may be necessary when combating high levels of soil pathogens.  Apply 250g Eco-T® per ha during week 6 and week 10 after planting.
  • For additional root health support and increased nutrient uptake a second application of 500ml per ha RhizoVital® can be applied 4 weeks after planting.