Plant Vitality

Biostimulant solutions

Our plant vitality range consists of biostimulants which contain natural plant growth stimulants, often in combination with key nutritional supplementation. Biostimulants improve the overall health of the crop, improve stress tolerance, support and stimulate various stages of plant growth.

Andermatt Madumbi Biostimulant solutions

The Biostimulant range contains natural plant growth stimulants, often in combination with holistic nutritional supplementation. This is to improve the overall health of the crop, build stress tolerance, support and stimulate various stages of plant growth.






V12 Biostimulant range

The V12 Biostimulant range is based on the 12 essential components of plant vitality, ie. the engine that drives plant growth.

1. Boron 2. Silicon 3. Calcium 4. Nitrogen
5. Magnesium 6. Phosphorous 7. Carbon 8. Potassium
9. Amino Acids 10. Vitamins 11. Micronutrients
12. Biostimulants

The Plant Nutrition Cycle – 8 Key elements

1. CALCIUM drives uptake of other elements & is essential for cell division

2. SILICA creates a well-functioning transport system for improved water & nutrient uptake

3. Which requires NITROGEN for formation of new DNA, amino acids, etc.

4. Amino acids form chlorophyll which is activated by MAGNESIUM to for capturing light and photosynthesis

5. Light energy is transformed with into ATP using PHOSPHORUS, the plant’s energy carrier

6. ATP drives production of sugars from CARBON based building blocks captured from the air (CO₂)

7. POTASSIUM is the electrolyte that drives the transport of sugars through the plant and creates the mechanism by which all nutrients enter plant cells

8. BORON creates the sap pressure that drives uptake and movement of all nutrients

The Plant Nutrition Cycle – 4 Key Drivers

AMINO ACIDS are involved in plant stress physiology and can help plants to better tolerate/recover from stress conditions.

VITAMINS: Vitamin C contains antioxidant properties which reduce damage from free radicles and play a role in regulating cell division. Vitamin B1 improves photosynthetic efficiency, root growth and stimulates Induced Systemic Resistance (ISR).

MICRONUTRIENTS perform unique and key functions in plant metabolism (Zn, Mn, Co, Fe etc.)

BIOSTIMULANTS play a role in stimulating a range of plant processes and improving plant efficiency.

At Andermatt Madumbi, we combine niche products and proven management strategies to produce the best outcome in terms of healthy, high yielding, nutrient-dense, low residue crops.

Our regional team of biospecialists are constantly refining programs to ensure Andermatt Madumbi remains at the forefront of new developments to best assist all growers.