
Humate granules, crystals and liquid, extracted from ancient Leonardite deposits, allowing for easy combination with granular fertiliser and liquid applications.

✓ Granule, Crystal and Liquid formulations allow for easy application in accordance with EU and NOP regulations
✓ Ecocert attested for use in organic agriculture
✓ Suitable for soil and foliar applications

Product Specifications
Registration Details
Humate Granules Reg No. M343, Act 36 of 1947
Humate Crystal Reg No. M345, Act 36 of 1947
Humate Liquid Reg No. M344, Act 36 of 1947

Humic Acid

Application method
Humate Granules Granular application
Humate Crystal Drench and/or granular
Humate Liquid Soil and foliar application

All crops

Formulation Type
Humate Granules Granule
Humate Crystal Crystal
Humate Liquid Liquid

Standard Dosage
As per label
