New Product Introduction: Fyto-11®

Powdery mildew is seen as the most threatening fungal disease to grapevines worldwide, and if not controlled it can damage the cane and shoots and destroy infected clusters. Leaf infections can limit photosynthesis. Likewise, Downy mildew can result in significant crop loss, but is the only early season grape disease that can cause total vine loss.

– (Grape Disease Management, 2022, Cornell University).

Dear Andermatt Madumbi Partner

We are delighted to introduce Fyto-11®, a new solution to our Bio Crop Protection range. This innovative product contains COS-OGA (COS – Chito-oligosaccharides: OGA – Oligo-galacturonic acid) as an active ingredient. It is of natural origin and functions as a plant elicitor. The role of this elicitor is to mimic a pathogen attack, resulting in the activation of the plant’s natural defence mechanisms (immune response). A primed/activated plant will be able to fend off pathogen attacks more effectively, and as such we recommend Fyto-11® be applied preventatively. An additional benefit is that this effect is cumulative with no risk of residue or resistance build up.

Fyto-11® is a preventative tool in the toolbox to protect crops against Downy and Powdery mildew. The key attributes to a spray program are that it has no residues (“MRL”) and is an excellent tool for resistance management, especially when it is used in an alternating spray strategy with other active molecules. The golden rule is to do one or two follow up sprays to build up the immune response in the plant. The best positioning of Fyto-11® is before and after flowering on table grapes and especially after veraison on late cultivars where fewer control solutions are available”

– Ben Krog, Business Lead: Commercial

Please do not hesitate to contact the Andermatt Madumbi team or your regional Biospecialist for more information.

Kind regards,
Sias Leipoldt
Business Lead: Product Portfolio Management

Nuwe Produk Bekendstelling: Fyto-11®

Poeieragtige skimmel word wêreldwyd as die mees bedreigende swamsiekte vir wingerde beskou, en as dit nie beheer word nie, kan dit lote beskadig en besmette trosse vernietig. Blaarinfeksies kan fotosintese beperk. Donsige skimmel kan eweneens aansienlike oesverlies tot gevolg hê, maar is die enigste vroeëseisoen druiwesiekte wat totale wingerdverlies kan veroorsaak.

– (Grape Disease Management, 2022, Cornell University).

Beste Andermatt Madumbi-vennoot

Ons is verheug om Fyto-11® bekend te stel, ‘n nuwe oplossing vir ons Bio Gewasbeskermings reeks. Hierdie innoverende produk bevat COS-OGA (COS – Chito-oligosakkariede: OGA – Oligo-galakturonsuur) as ‘n aktiewe bestanddeel. Dit is van natuurlike oorsprong en funksioneer as ‘n plant-elisitor. Die rol van hierdie elisitor is om ‘n patogeenaanval na te boots, wat lei tot die aktivering van die plant se natuurlike verdedigingsmeganismes (immuun respons). ‘n Geaktiveerde plant sal patogeenaanvalle meer effektief kan afweer, en as sodanig beveel ons aan dat Fyto-11® voorkomend toegedien word. ‘n Bykomende voordeel is dat hierdie effek kumulatief is met geen risiko dat residu of weerstand opbou nie.

“Hierdie is ‘n uitstekende voorkomende produk in die swamstrategie teen beide Donsskimmel en Witroes. Die sleutel eienskappe is dat dit geen residue op geoesde gewasse agterlaat en dit bied ook ‘n geleentheid vir ‘n goeie weerstandbestuur strategie teen ander aktiewe in die spuitprogram. Die goue reël is om die eerste spuit op te volg met een tot twee bespuitng, ten doel om die immuunreaksie in die plant op te bou. Die beste posisionering op tafeldruiwe is net voor en na blom asook na deurslaan, veral op laat tafeldruifkultivars waar die opsies vir beskerming min raak”

– Ben Krog, Kommersiële bestuurder

Moet asseblief nie huiwer om die Andermatt Madumbi span of jou plaaslike Biospesialis te kontak vir meer inligting nie.

Vriendelike groete,
Sias Leipoldt
Produkportefeulje bestuurder