6 Reasons Why – Eco-T
Eco-T® is a key product in the basket of Madumbi’s biological solutions
Uniquely registered with two different purposes, Eco-T® falls into both Madumbi’s Crop Protection and Root Health programs.
Eco-T® contains active spores of the naturally occurring beneficial fungus, Trichoderma asperellum.
Eco-T® is registered as a biocontrol agent for the control of common soil diseases including Fusarium, Rhizoctonia, Pythium and Phytophthora, which impact on crop production in a wide range of orchard, vegetable and floricultural crops.
Eco-T® also promotes the growth of healthy root systems. The fungus grows symbiotically with roots, improving nutrient uptake and enhancing root development.
A second formulation, Eco-T® Ezi-Flo, contains the same active ingredient but the formulation is enhanced with a lubricant which allows it to be added to mechanical planters when planting treated or untreated seed (check with your local advisor on compatibility with chemical seed treatments).
But before we get the expert ‘low down’ – we want to share with you one of the key reasons why Madumbi love’s Eco-T® and that is because it is a proudly South African product!
Did you know? Eco-T® contains our own locally isolated and tested strain of Trichoderma asperellum, and as such, is well adapted to local conditions. Eco-T® was developed by the University of KZN and is produced by our production partners, Nottingham road based, PHP (Plant Health Products), leaders in fungal product production. Local is indeed lekker!
Herewith feedback from Madumbi’s team of experts, highlighting and elaborating on key reasons why they believe Eco-T® should be included in growers planting and crop programs.
1 – Broad spectrum control of soilborne fungal pathogens
Dr Brendon Neumann, Business Innovations Lead
Soilborne pathogens are often difficult to diagnose from visual symptoms alone as many of them produce the same symptoms which typically include stunting, yellowing of leaves, wilting, rotting, and damping off. The wrong diagnosis can mean the wrong treatment option is selected.
Conventional chemical fungicides are often only effective against certain groups of soil fungi. For example, most of the products which are effective against Pythium and Phytophthora will have no effect on other soil pathogens like Fusarium or Rhizoctonia. Eco-T® on the other hand provides an effective level of preventative control against a much wider range of fungal soil pathogens.
2 – Increased root growth due to fungal interaction with auxin
Sias Leipoldt, Business Development Lead & KAM Central
It is well known that Trichoderma inoculation of plants results in disease suppression, plant growth promotion and increased root mass. The mechanisms involved regarding increased root mass have been the topic of many research projects and are very complex. These studies have shown that inoculation with Trichoderma enhances the plants auxin response, resulting in lateral root- and root hair formation 1 . In addition many Trichoderma species have the ability to produce Indole 3- Acetic Acid (IAA), which is the most common form of auxin. IAA is responsible for cell division and elongation and is a main contributor to increased root mass after inoculation with Trichoderma species.
Work at UKZN showed that a lot of the root growth response could be attributed to the control of sub-lethal pathogens. Certain pathogens can cause damage to root hairs and fine feeder roots without producing visible symptoms. Control of these pathogens allows for healthier, more efficient root systems and better growth.
3 – Controls disease through multiple modes of action
Helgard van Rooyen, Key Account Support – South
Eco-T® controls disease through multiple modes of action, meaning minimum risk of resistance build-up. These include hyperparasitism, competitive exclusion, antibiosis and Induced Systemic Resistance (ISR). This means that the risk of pathogens ever developing resistance to a product such as Eco-T® is extremely unlikely, making it a good resistance management tool in IPM programs.
4 – All crop registration
Mark Hutton, Key Account Manager – KZN
The all crop registration is of great value to the farmer. This allows the farmer to use Eco-T® across all divisions and can contribute to a reduced need to stock a wide range of similar products. As indicated in the introduction Eco-T® serves two purposes ie. the control of root diseases as well as enhanced growth. This is a great factor to highlight and simplify staff training on the farm – learning and understanding fewer products reduces the opportunity for error.
5 – Eco-T® is easy to use and apply
Dawid Maree, Key Account Support – North
Eco-T® is easy to use and is a ‘must have’ in soils with a history of poor root development and soil-borne diseases e.g. Pythium and Rhizoctonia. Eco-T® applications are not labour intensive and can be applied alone or together with various agrochemical products. Compatibility testing with agro-chemical products can quickly and easily be facilitated with PHP laboratories. Several agrochemical products do not impact on the efficacy of Eco-T® when combined in tank mixes or when co-applied through the irrigation system. Contact the Madumbi representative in your area for our most recent compatibility list, or for more assistance on various application strategies.
6 – Effective nutrient mobilisation
Wilma Mac Pherson, Key Account Manager – North
Eco-T ensures the most efficient nutrient uptake through plant roots. Healthy roots and root hairs facilitate a larger area through which the plant can take up nutrients. Assisting the plant in this way helps to ensure the biggest return for the money spent on fertiliser.
1. Contreras-Cornejo H, Maci as-Rodriguez M, Corte’s-Penagos C and Lopez-Bucio (2009) Trichoderma virens, a Plant Beneficial Fungus, enhances Biomass Production and Promotes Lateral Root Growth through an Auxin-Dependent Mechanism in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol. Vol. 149.
Registration details:
Eco-T® contains Trichoderma asperellum. Reg. No. L6938, Reg No. 36 of 1947. Plant Health Products (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 207, Nottingham Road, 3280. Reg. No. 2003/007987/07.