6 reasons why
RhizoVital is a concentrated liquid formulation of the natural beneficial bacterium Bacillus amyloliquefaciens FZB42.
The beneficial bacteria contained in RhizoVital grow symbiotically with plant roots, stimulating and protecting root development. RhizoVital contributes to the creation of larger, healthier and more productive root systems and for this reason is a key product in the Madumbi Root Health Program.
We asked the Madumbi team of experts to highlight and elaborate on the key reasons why they believe RhizoVital should be included in growers planting and crop programs.
6 reasons why – RhizoVital® 42
1 – Mobilization of Phosphorous and other bound nutrient elements in soil
Dr Brendon Neumann, Business Innovations Lead
Phosphorous is often present in soils at adequate levels but very little of it is plant available. This Phosphorous can be tied up in insoluble forms like Iron or Calcium Phosphate or in organic forms like Phytic acid. The Bacillus bacteria in RhizoVital have the ability to produce various enzymes such as Phosphatase and Phytase which can make these tied up sources of phosphorous more plant available. RhizoVital is also able to mobilize iron in soil through the production of siderophores which are small chelating compounds secreted by Bacillus spp.
2 – Control of both fungal and bacterial pathogens through multiple modes of action
Sias Leipoldt, Business Development Lead & KAM Central
Although RhizoVital itself is not registered for control of soil pathogens, the same isolate of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens is used in another Madumbi product, Amyprotect, which is currently being registered for the control of various bacterial and fungal soil pathogens. Bacillus spp. control pathogens through multiple modes of action including Antibiosis, Competitive exclusion and ISR (Induced Systemic Resistance). Bacillus spp. have the ability to produce and secrete a variety of secondary metabolites, e.g. surfactin and bacillomycin D. The metabolites are capable of suppressing pathogens in the rhizosphere, but it is believed that surfactin and other volatiles are also responsible for activating ISR and the plants defense system. The use of multiple modes of action means that the risk of resistance buildup is highly unlikely making such products good resistance management options in IPM strategies.
3 – Root growth stimulation
Helgard van Rooyen, Key Account Support – South
Bacillus amyloliquefaciens forms a close symbiotic relationship with plant roots. It produces secondary metabolites involved in disease suppression as well as plant growth promoting substances such as auxin. This increases general root health, root development and ultimately plant vigour that will deliver a healthier stronger plant.
4 – All crop registration
Mark Hutton, Key Account Manager – KZN
The all crop registration means that the grower or farmer requires less product options for a wider variety of the crops they are producing. All crops require healthy root systems and RhizoVital offers the same value and benefits to orchard, row and other crops.
Having one solution across a variety of crops also has the added advantage of simplifying staff training and reduces the opportunity for incorrect product selection.
5 – RhizoVital is very user friendly
Dawid Maree, Key Account Support – North
RhizoVital is a highly concentrated liquid formulation. It is simple and easy to measure, mix and apply. RhizoVital is also compatible with several insecticides, herbicides, fertilisers and fungicides. It can successfully be incorporated into most existing programs which means no unnecessary changes are needed to your systems to benefit from its inclusion.
Contact the Madumbi representative in your area for more information with regards to compatibility.
6 – RhizoVital is a highly concentrated spore suspension
Wilma Mac Pherson, Key Account Manager – North
Bacillus amyloliquefaciens spores, the active ingredient in RhizoVital, can survive for a very long time under the harshest environments. RhizoVital also has a long shelf-life and can be stored at normal storeroom temperatures. RhizoVital is highly concentrated so a little goes a long way and a variety of application strategies are possible, depending on the aim of the application. After RhizoVital is applied, spores come into contact with plant roots where they germinate and colonise the root surface. RhizoVital colonises plant roots very effectively.
- Chowdhury SP, Hartmann A, Gao X and Borriss R (2015) Biocontrol mechanism by root-associated Bacillus amyloliquefaciens FZB42 – a review. Front. Microbiol. 6:780. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2015.00780
Registration details:
RhizoVital® 42 contains Bacillus amyloliquefaciens FZB42. Reg. No. B4201, Act No. 36 of 1947. Madumbi Sustainable Agriculture (Pty) Ltd, Postnet Suite 20, Private Bag X6011, Hilton, 3245. Reg. No. 2009/020798/07.