Maximise winter grain yields
Madumbi’s sustainable biological solutions
Growers heading into the winter rainfall grain production season are under increased pressure. The current environmental and economic conditions, compounded by lockdown due to COVID-19, increase our nation’s urgency to ensure every yield and every individual grain of wheat reaches it’s true and full potential.
Madumbi supports growers with a comprehensive range of best quality, safe biorational crop inputs. Madumbi solutions are focused not only on increased tonnage but also on high-quality yields that are nutrient-dense and residue-free. For winter grain producers, quality, as opposed to quantity, will always be a critical success measure. This measure is even more prominent during the COVID-19 crisis as food production is a crucial part of maintaining calm and encouraging compliance.
Eco-T® and Eco-T Ezi-Flo® are only two of the products in the Madumbi stall that will benefit winter grain farmers.
Enhance root growth and suppress soil diseases with Eco-T®
Eco-T®, South Africa’s own locally produced Trichoderma-based product, has proven itself over and over in grain production, ranging from maize, sunflower and soybeans to wheat, barley and canola. Eco-T® is an effective, inexpensive and eco-friendly solution for the suppression of fungal root diseases and enhanced plant growth. Establishing a healthy plant is vital for both yield quality and quantity, and Eco-T® plays an essential part in both.
Eco-T® contains spores of the beneficial fungus Trichoderma asperellum strain kd. This strain was selected and developed after extensive research conducted at the University of KwaZulu-Natal. Once applied, the spores germinate and colonise the rhizosphere (the soil immediately surrounding plant roots). Trichoderma is fast-growing and capable of out-competing and displacing plant pathogens. Eco-T® is registered for the suppression of a wide range of common soil diseases. It also actively destroys various disease-causing soil fungi and produces compounds inhibiting their growth.
Eco-T® offers more than just pathogen protection. The fast-growing Trichoderma has a symbiotic relationship with crop roots which improves nutrient availability. Healthy roots and root hairs facilitate contact with a larger soil area, ensuring an enhanced return on investment with regards to fertiliser usage. Eco-T® helps to activate the plant’s natural defence mechanism (Induced Systemic Resistance) and serves to buffer plants from extreme conditions such as waterlogging and drought.
Two formulations: Eco-T® and Eco-T® Ezi-Flo
Applications should be made preventatively to benefit most from Eco-T®:
Eco-T® is available in two formulations,
- Eco-T® – wettable powder
- Eco-T® Ezi-Flo – a lubricated formulation specifically developed for use with mechanical planters when planting treated or untreated seeds.
Easy application: Eco-T®
The original Eco-T® formulation contains Trichoderma spores in a wettable powder formulation. Applications are recommended in a variety of ways, either as a drench, spray or via the irrigation system. Eco-T® can also be applied through pivots, where the volume of water supplied should be sufficient to wash the spores into the soil to a depth sufficient to reach the roots.
When mixing your Eco-T® solution, it is vital to get the powder formulation evenly suspended into the solution. This is done by combining the required Eco-T® powder with a small amount of water to form a runny paste. Once entirely in suspension, add the paste to the application tank with the rest of the water.
Easy application: Eco-T® Ezi-Flo
The Eco-T® Ezi-Flo formulation contains a high concentration of Eco-T® spores in a talcum and graphite base. This is formulated to provide a planter lubricant with the Eco-T® disease suppression benefit. This formulation is the most economical formulation for both dry land as well as irrigated winter grains.
Application of the Eco-T® Ezi-Flo is simple. The required volume is added to the seed in the hopper before planting, mixed slightly and is then ready to plant. Due to the lubrication, the seed is placed correctly, evenly spaced with no missed or double seed placements. This single-function already has an impact on yield – good seed placement leads to an even emergence and good quality optimal yields.
Madumbi offers a comprehensive range of soil, plant and crop protection solutions; Eco-T® and Eco-T Ezi-Flo® are only two of the options in the Madumbi stall that will benefit winter grain growers. Please contact your Madumbi representative for more information on complementary products that can assist with lodging, environmental stress support and increased yields.
Eco-T® contains Trichoderma asperellum. Reg. No. L6938, Act No. 36 of 1947. Plant Health Products (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 207, Nottingham Road, 3280. Reg. No. 2003/007987/07.
Eco-T Ezi-Flo® contains Trichoderma asperellum. Reg. No. L9276, Act No. 36 of 1947. Plant Health Products (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 207, Nottingham Road, 3280. Reg. No. 2003/007987/07.