6 reasons for Double Nickel 55®
in your IPM programmes
Double Nickel 55® is a biological fungicide for the suppression of powdery and downy mildew on table grapes, and powdery mildew on cucurbits.
Double Nickel 55® is a recent addition to the Madumbi BioManagement range.
With current global trends highlighting the importance and significant growth in the use of biological pest control solutions, Double Nickel 55® is undoubtedly a product to be informed on.
We asked Madumbi’s team of experts, to each highlight and explain a key reason why Double Nickel 55® should be included in spray programs this season.
- Broad-spectrum fungicide – Sias Leipoldt
Double Nickel 55® is a broad spectrum bio-fungicide that should be applied preventatively to ensure the best efficacy. The diverse and unique mode of action of Double Nickel 55® contributes to the efficacy of the product (see the mode of action).
Bacillus amyloliquefaciens D747 bacterium has been well researched against a variety of fungal and bacterial diseases including powdery mildew, downy mildew, grey mould, sour rot, early blight and bacterial leaf spot, to name a few. Locally it has been registered for the suppression of powdery mildew and downy mildew with more registrations to follow.
- Multiple modes of action – Dr Brendon Neumann
One of the main advantages of microbial biocontrol products is that they generally employ more than one mode of action in controlling the target pest or disease. This means that resistance build-up over time is far less likely to occur, making such products good resistance management tools for use in IPM programs.
This is in contrast to several synthetic products making use of single modes of action. In such products, a slight genetic shift in the target pest’s population can result in the development of resistance.
With multiple modes of action, it is far more difficult for the target pest or pathogen to adapt and develop resistance.
Double Nickel 55® has three main modes of action:
- Antibiosis – Through the production of antimicrobial compounds the Bacillus bacteria will prevent the growth of competitor microbial organisms, like disease causing pathogens.
- Competitive exclusion – The Bacillus bacteria will compete against pathogens for space and nutrients and hence once populated with the beneficial bacterial pathogens are less likely to occur or proliferate.
- Systemic acquired resistance – The Bacillus bacteria activates a signalling pathway within the plant heightening its immune response and thereby making the plant better able to fight off disease.
- OMRI listed – Mark Hutton
Double Nickel 55® is OMRI listed – The Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) is a private, non-profit organisation that determines whether or not a product qualifies as organic under the USDA’s National Organic Program (NOP).
The use of OMRI listed products allows for the organic certification for your produce under the NOP / US guideline which is critically important to all organic growers.
- No MRL’s (Maximum residue levels) – Helgard van Rooyen
Double Nickel 55® is the ideal tool to include in your disease management program. The active ingredient Bacillus amyloliquefaciens D747 can be sprayed right up until harvest offering protection before, during and postharvest.
Double Nickel 55® has a zero residue, aiding to meet the demands of the strict export markets in terms of low MRL’s levels. This aids the grower in managing residue levels and keeping them to a minimum while still achieving excellent disease protection and high quality produce.
- No withholding period – Dawid Maree
Double Nickel 55® is an excellent product to include in an IPM program. With no withholding period, Double Nickel 55® can be sprayed at any time allowing labour and other activities to continue on the specific crop, with no adverse effect on staff or the environment.
No withholding period is particularly useful at harvesting, as the crop can be treated and protected before, during and postharvest without having any impact on harvesting and packing activities.
- Bacillus bacteria-based active ingredient – Wilma Mac Pherson
Bacillus species are some of nature’s most robust organisms. Microbiologists classify them as Gram-positive, containing a unique cell wall. They are found in almost all environments on earth. Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, the active ingredient in Double Nickel 55®, form endospores that can survive for a very, very long time under the most severe environmental conditions.
When environmental conditions improve, and there are nutrients available, these spores germinate and colonise the surface they are on, forming a biofilm. This is what happens when the spores land on the plant surface. Biological products containing Bacillus spores are highly resilient with long shelf-lives and easy storage at normal room temperatures.
Double Nickel 55® formulation consists of a high concentration of viable spores and is suitable for tank mixing with many other agrochemical products, making application easier and more cost-effective. Perfect for use in IPM programs!
Please contact your Madumbi representative for agrochemical products that won’t affect Double Nickle’s efficacy when applied as a tank mix.
Madumbi Sustainable Agriculture is a market leader in BioStimulant and BioManagement solutions. Madumbi believes in a holistic approach to agriculture, providing integrated solutions from seed to fork. As partners of choice, Madumbi delivers the best biorational products sourced both locally and globally, along with the expert technical guidance and support. For more info visit www.madumbi.co.za or contact us on 033 342 3984. Double Nickel 55® contains Bacillus amyloliquefaciens strain D747. Reg. No. L10053, Act No. 36 of 1947. Madumbi Sustainable Agriculture (Pty) Ltd, Postnet Suite 20, Private Bag X6011, Hilton 3245Reg. No. 2009/020798/07. |