Interview with Suné Joubert

Newly appointed Technical Solutions Assistant for Madumbi
Sustainable Agriculture, October 2019.

Madumbi recognises the critical and growing demand for new, innovative biostimulant and biomanagement crop solutions. Our Business Innovation platform forms an essential cog in the Madumbi business wheel – our team, and more importantly, our customers are dependent on this platform’s success to bring new products to market.

To this end, the Madumbi team welcomes Suné Joubert to the Business Innovation team. Suné has been appointed as Technical Solutions Assistant, supporting Nadia Grobler with the registration of
new products and the extension of existing products.

Suné has a B.Sc. Microbiology and Physiology degree, which she completed in 2017, and Honours in Environmental Sciences which she completed in 2018 both from the University of North West. Recently, Sune has been working for Consulting & Agricultural Engineers where her responsibilities included water license applications and registrations.

Welcome, Sune. We look forward to the “Madumbi Magic” which you are going to add to the business and its future sustainability.